The Ultimate Guide on Video Editing Part Two

  1. Crop Image 

After all the scenes have been arranged in a coherent order, you can immediately crop the image or remove some less important parts. For example, there is an error in one of the clips, or when there is a wobbly and unstable recording of the image. 

You can use the Razor or Cut features to crop the image into sections and delete the unimportant ones. Here, you can consider the artistic side so that the video can be neatly arranged and attractive. 

  1. Give Transition Effect 

After compiling and cropping images, how to edit videos the next step is to provide transition effects. This transition effect is very useful for smoothing the motion of an image or video at each change. Such as the transition from one scene to another or the transition to enter various information or text into the video. 

The most commonly used transition effect is the fade-in and fade-out, in which the image slowly appears and disappears from the screen. To give a more complex special transition effect, you can use several separate post-production programmes such as Adobe After Effects. 

  1. Adjust Colour and sound 

The next way to edit the video is to adjust the colour or colouring and adjust the sound. Not all video editing processes have to do this. But if you want more professional video results, the colouring stage needs to be done. Here, you need to balance the audio and video so that every scene in the video is similar and there are no annoying volume changes. To do this, you can use the auto colour-correct function and the volume equaliser available in the programme. 

  1. Watching Edited Videos 

The last way to edit a video is to watch or see every editing progress that has been made. This can be done dozens of times or as many times as possible depending on the complexity of the project at hand. You can also invite friends to watch your edits to leave comments. That way, you can improve the video for a more perfect result. 

Those are some steps of video editing in Singapore that you have to do to get satisfying video results. Hope it helps! 

Sara Wee